Friday 21 March 2014

Sketching is all about concentration and patience...

When i sit down at home for drawing and think and think what to draw, sketching never clicks in my mind and is the last option for me.This is because in the drawing classes my sketching was never used to be perfect. I used to try and try draw a perfect sketch but some or the other problem used to come when i sit down for sketching.So slowly slowly i started losing interest in sketching and my focus shifted towards poster colour paintings.But my teacher told me that sketching is all about deep interest,focus,concentration and patience.When you are sketching, your total concentration and focus should be only on what are you sketching.A slight disturbance during sketching can destroy your whole sketch. At last one day i tried to draw a sketch with my full focus and concentration and to my surprise it was a perfect sketch. Finally i came to know that sketching is my cup of tea...

Poster Colour Paintings are my favourite...

In my painting classes we were taught to draw landscapes, scenaries, buldings, sketches and do poster colour paintings. As time passed i enjoyed painting and got to know that i have a deep interest and an inclination towards paintings specially with the poster colours. In the classess i always prefered to do poster colour paintings than to do those landscapes, sketches, buildings etc. Poster colours makes the paintings more colourful and beautiful.They basically add new and beautiful colours to the paintings which make them more lively. The poster colour paintings has made my life so colourful and beautiful that i can spend my whole time in doing that only.Thus the poster colour paintings are my favourites for the life time...

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Painting gives me real happiness...

When I discovered that painting is my real passion, I thought of  utilising my passion in a better manner. So I started painting from class 12 in my painting classes and during my leisure time. In the first few classes we were taught to draw sketches and then as we proceeded we learned to draw landscapes, scenaries, poster paintings and architectural buildings. As the time passed I got to know that I enjoy drawing sketches, landscapes and poster paintings. Finally I understood that doing paintings during my leisure and free time helps to utilise my leisure time in the best possible manner. Thus painting added more knowledge to my life and made me realised that it gave me that kind of happiness which touched my soul. Time passes, goes and flies but painting doesn't stop for's never ending.

Thursday 13 March 2014

How I met my passion...PAINTING.

MBA was  almost coming to an end and our forth semister  project  was to create  our personal blog on our passion. Frankly what is passion I really don't know....may be it is something related to your hobbies. So I thought of making my hobbies as my passion. Loves to dance, watch movies , do paintings and play my favorite sport badminton. I got confused but then I thought and remembered that I have bundles of paintings  kept at my home which I did when I was in class 12. Finally my mind got cleared and discovered that painting is my passion. This is the uninteresting and boring story of how I met with my passion...painting and only painting.