Friday 21 March 2014

Sketching is all about concentration and patience...

When i sit down at home for drawing and think and think what to draw, sketching never clicks in my mind and is the last option for me.This is because in the drawing classes my sketching was never used to be perfect. I used to try and try draw a perfect sketch but some or the other problem used to come when i sit down for sketching.So slowly slowly i started losing interest in sketching and my focus shifted towards poster colour paintings.But my teacher told me that sketching is all about deep interest,focus,concentration and patience.When you are sketching, your total concentration and focus should be only on what are you sketching.A slight disturbance during sketching can destroy your whole sketch. At last one day i tried to draw a sketch with my full focus and concentration and to my surprise it was a perfect sketch. Finally i came to know that sketching is my cup of tea...

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